Chemin de Tours
From Tours to Mont, "Le Grand Chemin montois" (The Great Montois Way)
Thanks to to the work carried out by theSarthe Association of Friends of Santiago de Compostela and Mont-Saint-Micheland by the association The Pilgrim's Way to Santiago de Compostela in Touraine The Tours WayMont-Saint-Michel can now be reached from Tours. Tours is at the heart of several major pilgrimages, since the tomb of Saint Martin was the focus of an international pilgrimage, and one of the four famous French routes revealed in the Pilgrim's guide of Compostela (12th century) set out from Tours.
Le "Grand Chemin montois starts in Tours and runs to Le Mans via Neuillé-Pont-Pierre and Château-du-Loir. After Le Mans, the route passes through Sillé-le-Guillaume, Bais, Mayenne, Gorron, Landivy, Louvigné-du-Désert and Saint-James. This route is "double signposted" (towards Le Mont or towards Compostela), and is described in the guide The Pilgrimage Routes to Mont-Saint-Michel. The Great Montois Way available from the Association (13 € (+ postage) The shop.
Since its publication in 2014, the route has been revised in certain places to improve its quality. The changes can be downloaded here and online.
on the website of each local association: Compostela 72
There is a variant departing from Le Mans which joins the "Chemin du Mont-Saint Michel" that comes from Chartres, is the "Northern route. It passes through Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, Fresnay-sur-Sarthe, Saint-Céneri-le-Géréi and Pré-en-Pail before joining the Chemin du Mont at Bagnoles-de-l'Orne. The guide describing this route through the Alpes Mancelles is available fromAssociation (€10 + postage)
In the direction of Compostela, a guide was published in 2016 by the Sarthe association, describing the The Mont-Saint-Michel to Tours route (100 p. €15 + postage)The shop
The list of accommodation for these two routes is available on the website
For more information on these two "shared paths" of Saint-Jacques and Saint-Michel:
The association's website sarthoise des Amis de Saint Jacques de Compostelle et du Mont-Saint-Michel.
Here you can find the detailed route of the Tours / Le Mans Mayenne / Le Mont route using Google Maps.
In Mayenne, the young and dynamic association Compostelle 53 and other routes will be able to provide you with all the information you need, including a complementary list of foster carers in Donativo.
The association's website The Pilgrim's Way to Santiago de Compostela in Touraine The Tours Way.
Gpx file of the "Grand Chemin montois" (taking into account the latest detailed modifications to the route)
These routes are given for guidance only and are not as accurate as the topographical texts accompanied by the 1:50,000 maps in the guide published by the Association.