Legal information

This website is the property of the Association "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint- Michel", an association governed by the law of 1901, SIRET no. 41913302000018, whose registered office is at Abbaye aux Dames, Place Reine Mathilde, BP 523, 14035 CAEN cedex.



The Association "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" may, at any time, temporarily or permanently interrupt access to the site for maintenance, improvements or modifications.

All information on this site is non-binding and without obligation. It is your responsibility to check that it is correct.
The Association "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect, material or moral prejudice arising from the use of this site and the information it contains.

Hypertext links

The Association "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" may under no circumstances be held responsible for the content of third-party sites to which it provides a link; these sites are completely independent.

No one may set up a hypertext link to this site without the authorisation of the Association "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel".

Foreign languages

In the event of differences between the French and English versions of this site, the French version shall prevail in all circumstances.

Intellectual property / Copyright

All the elements published on this site: texts, photos, images, logos, brands, maps, downloadable documents, etc. are the property of the "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" Association and are protected by the laws in force on brands and by the provisions of the intellectual property code. Consequently, none of these elements may be copied, reproduced, modified or distributed in any way whatsoever without the express prior authorisation of "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" Association.
Only private copies are authorised for your personal, private and non-commercial use.

The "Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" and "Chemins de saint Michel" are registered trademarks, as are the association's logo, the signposting logo and the cyan blue trademarks. No one may use them without the authorisation of the "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" association.

The maps reproduced on this site are creations specially made for this purpose or taken from guides published by the association. They may not be reproduced without the express permission of the "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" association.

The texts on this site were written by the Association "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel", which owns the site.

The photos were taken by the Association "Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel" or published with the agreement of their authors.

Contact the association

Postal address of the association for all correspondence:
The Mont-Saint-Michel Trail
3, rue d'Yverdon, 14210 EVRECY
mail :

Registered office address :
Normandy Region, Abbaye aux Dames, Place Reine Mathilde, 14035 CAEN cedex

Its Board of Directors

Gilles Normand - Chairman
Pierre Bouet - Vice-Chairman
Martin Butruille - Vice-Chairman
Paul Pasdeloup - Treasurer
Dominique Huet - Secretary
Guy Barré
Béatrice Bordeau
Marie-France Brillon
Jacques Faisant
Anthony Grouard
Stanislas Grzybowski
Benoît Levillain
Jean-Luc Parel
Evelyne de Saint-Léger

Permanent sound

Vincent Juhel, Director


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