8 May, Verneuil-sur-Avre, 9th historical meetings

rh_2022.jpg On 8 May 2022, Verneuil-sur-Avre (Eure), a historic town on the Grand Chemin from Paris to Mont-Saint-Michel, will be hosting a day of historical meetings featuring ground-breaking papers on thehistory of princely and royal pilgrimages to Mont-Saint-Michel over the centuries.
Princes and commoners alike have made their way to the Mount over the centuries, no doubt seeking both material and spiritual protection from the Head of the Heavenly Militia...

Register before 30 April with the Association
Flyer for the 9th Historical Encounters

Programme of the Rencontres historiques du 8 mai 2022 in Verneuil-sur-Avre

9 a.m. Welcome
9.45 Welcome and introduction
9.55 Vincent JUHEL (Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel), "Dukes and kings at Mont-Saint-Michel".
10.10 Angela LAGHEZZA (University of Bari Aldo Moro), "Between history and legend: royal pilgrimages to Saint Michael on Monte Gargano in the Middle Ages".
10.50 a.m. break
11 h 10 Jacques LE MAHO (University of Caen), "Edward the Confessor and Mont-Saint-Michel".
11.50 Elisabeth LALOU (University of Rouen), "Royal pilgrimages to Mont-Saint Louis and Philippe le Bel".
1 pm Lunch at the Beauclerc, 6, place de la Madeleine
15 h Mireille VINCENT CASSY (University of Paris VII), "Le pèlerinage de Charles VI au Mont" (Charles VI's pilgrimage to Mont Blanc)
15 h 40 Catherine VINCENT (University of Paris Nanterre - MéMo ), "Louis XI's pilgrimage to Mont in 1470 according to the account of his hotel".
4.20 pm Break
16 h 40 Evelyne THOMAS (University of Tours), "Charles VIII and the 'micheletz' of Amboise".
17 h 20 Henry DECAËNS, "Princes of the Church on pilgrimage to Mont-Saint-Michel at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th".
6 p.m. Conclusion of the day