10-11 September, Avranches / Le Mont, weekend in the footsteps of Saint Aubert

Weekend organised with the Communauté d'agglomération Mont Saint-Michel-Normandie, with a Saturday heritage walk from Mont to Avranches along the coast before arriving at the Gué de l'Epine and then Saint-Gervais d'Avranches (please register in advance with Avranches Tourist Office on 02 33 60 78 43, or with the Tourist Office in Avranches on 02 33 60 78 43). online 5.50), and on Sunday at Avranches town hall, two lectures: at 2.30pm (Michel Sot, "Charlemagne (788-814) dans l'histoire de son temps" and Bruno Judic, "De saint Michel à saint Martin étude comparative des cultes".
Admission free, subject to availability. Book on 02 33 60 78 43
In the footsteps of Saint Aubert